NHS Mortgages


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Please note that the financial conduct authority does not regulate some buy to let mortgages.

Are there specific mortgages tailored to the NHS?

Many individuals assume there’s a specific mortgage tailored for NHS professionals – but that’s not entirely accurate. While there isn’t a dedicated lender specializing in mortgages for NHS employees, some lenders adopt a more contemporary approach to assess NHS payslips.

Several lenders only consider 100% of your basic pay, overlooking bank shifts, shift allowances, or enhancements. This approach could significantly reduce the amount you’re eligible to borrow compared to lenders who consider these additional income streams for a mortgage.

Is it easier to get a mortgage if you work for the NHS?

One advantage of being employed by such a large organization like the NHS is the consistent availability of work opportunities. Lenders generally view NHS employment favorably.

However, the assessment criteria for NHS employees are essentially the same as those for non-NHS workers. You still need a minimum deposit of 5% and your income must support the mortgage payments. Additionally, maintaining good credit and staying up to date with all payments are essential considerations.

How do I know if I qualify for an NHS mortgage?

The application process remains consistent regardless of your employment with the NHS. Securing an Agreement in Principle is the initial step, providing confirmation of your borrowing capacity.

However, it’s crucial to note that variations in income, such as shift enhancements and bank pay slips, may affect your borrowing potential. While an Agreement in Principle may be obtained based on your current income, any fluctuations in subsequent payslips could alter the maximum borrowing amount.

Although the process may differ slightly due to additional income sources like shift enhancements, it generally aligns with that of individuals outside the NHS.

Can I get a mortgage worth five times my salary?

Absolutely, and this applies regardless of whether you’re part of the NHS or not. Many lenders offer borrowing up to five times your salary, but each has its own set of criteria, particularly regarding minimum income requirements, which can vary significantly.

These criteria typically range from £50,000 to £75,000 depending on the lender. Additionally, some lenders may mandate a minimum deposit, usually around 15%. So, if you meet the income threshold and have a 15% deposit, it significantly broadens your options.

Moreover, there’s a specific scheme called the Helping Hand scheme tailored for First Time Buyers. If you meet the income and affordability criteria, you may qualify to borrow up to 5.5 times your salary, offering a substantial increase in your borrowing capacity.

Speak to an expert

Our team of down-to-earth mortgage advisers is here to assist you every step of the way, whether you’re purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing one. We prioritize protecting your property and lifestyle while saving you valuable time and effort. Our focus is on securing a competitive deal tailored specifically for you, without any hidden fees or complications.

Feel free to get in touch with us for an initial, fee-free consultation to discuss the most suitable mortgage options for your unique situation.

How much can I borrow and what deposit do I need?

When it comes to borrowing, lenders assess the combined income per application. For instance, if your income is £30,000 and your partner’s is £50,000, lenders would consider a combined income of £80,000 for affordability criteria. Assuming there are no significant financial commitments, you could typically borrow between 4.5 to 5.5 times your combined salaries. However, this varies depending on the lender we work with.

Having a higher deposit and a solid income increases your chances of being approved for higher income multiples. Conversely, with a lower deposit of 5% or 10% and a lower income, you might be limited to borrowing 4.5 times your salary.

While the minimum deposit is 5%, lenders may charge slightly higher interest rates for those seen as higher risk with smaller deposits. For every additional 5% of deposit you can contribute, you qualify for more favorable rates. A larger deposit not only allows you to borrow more easily but also typically secures lower interest rates.

Can you use nursing bank shifts for a mortgage?

This is a significant issue for NHS workers. Many times, we assist clients who have approached their bank or building society directly, only to be informed that their bank shifts cannot be considered as income. Typically, the bank requires the most recent P60 or evidence of 12 months’ consistent bank shifts to approve the mortgage.

Fortunately, there are lenders who take a more flexible approach, considering an average of the last three months’ bank shifts. If you’ve been consistently working nursing bank shifts for the past 13 weeks, these lenders would calculate your annual earnings based on that period, using 100% of that income. This can substantially increase the amount you’re eligible to borrow.

Can lenders use shift enhancements for a mortgage application?

Yes, they certainly can, and this is another significant advantage of being part of the NHS. Alongside your basic salary, you receive additional enhancements for working night shifts or weekends, which can significantly boost your income.

Similar to bank shifts, if you’re dealing with a lender that considers 100% of your nursing bank shifts and all your shift enhancements, it can have a substantial impact on the type of property you can afford to purchase.

Do NHS mortgages have any restrictions or limitations?

No, there are no specific limitations on an NHS mortgage compared to a standard mortgage. However, the key factor lies in choosing the right lender tailored to your unique circumstances. The borrowing amount can vary significantly depending on whether the lender considers 100% of your income or only a portion of it.

The main restrictions are similar to those for any other applicant. The crucial aspect is ensuring that the lender assesses your income accurately and comprehensively.

How can a mortgage advisor help?

One crucial aspect I’d like to emphasize is the importance of consulting with a mortgage advisor well in advance of starting your property search. Given the significant fluctuations in income, it’s essential to determine your borrowing capacity accurately. A proficient broker will ensure that all aspects of your income, including allowances and bank shifts, are considered to maximize your borrowing potential. Delaying this consultation could result in borrowing substantially less than you need.

Moreover, opting to approach your bank directly may not always be the most advantageous route. Banks typically offer limited rates and criteria, which may not fully accommodate your unique financial circumstances. Consulting with a broker early on allows for a comprehensive exploration of various lenders and products, ensuring you secure the most suitable mortgage option.


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